Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Backyard warbler bonanza!

Every afternoon this week I have spent a few minutes "pishing" and playing Screech-Owl song in attempts to attract birds at the back of our yard, but to little avail. Until today! The cool NW winds produced a major warbler flight down the mid-Atlantic region overnight and within seconds of starting the playback this afternoon I realized the woods behind our house was dripping with birds! The dead pine tree at the back of our property was at one point packed with birds, and although I was busy photographing I counted at least 3 American Redstarts, 2 Chestnut-sided Warblers, 2 Northern Parulas, 1 Magnolia Warbler, 3 Black-throated Green Warblers, 1 Eastern Wood-pewee, several Carolina Chickadees, Titmice, Cardinals and Catbird. Within minutes I had nearly filled a 4 Gb flashcard:o)

Adult male American Redstart:
 Juvenile female American Redstart:
Adult  male Black-throated Green Warbler:
Juvenile male Black-throated Green Warbler:
Juvenile male Chestnut-sided Warbler (red flanks not visible):
Male Magnolia Warbler:
Juvenile male Northern Parula:

Man I love migration!

1 comment:

  1. Jeessus - only one of those in my backyard would have made my month :-)
