With a recent report of Kentucky Warblers, I visited the Henryton Area of Patapsco Valley State Park this morning. The weather was nice and cool with high song activity in the woods. Clearly, a new wave of Blackpoll Warblers is upon us because the whole forest was buzzing with their thin monotonous "tze-tze-tze" notes today. But they were almost matched by the short spinning songs of BAY-BREASTED WARBLERS. I made a conservative estimate of 7! singing males on my 3/4 mile long walk upstream along the river. Along the trail I flushed Belted Kingfishers, a drake Wood Duck, Solitary Sandpiper, Spotted Sandpiper, Pileated Woodpeckers, Swainson's Thrush, Wood Thrush, Veery, and finally a pair of KENTUCKY WARBLERS!!
This was only my third encounter with this super-skulky Forest-Interior species. Waterthrushes of both species were also out in force today, but of course dominated by the local Louisianas.
Swainson's Thrush (above) and White-breasted Nuthatch (below):
I was also fortunate enough to get some decent shots of a beautiful male Baltimore Oriole in the Sycamore trees lining the river banks:
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